The Evan Dara Affinity

Evan Dara: Reader Response

Reactions to the Works of Evan Dara

“Clear your to-read list and put [The Lost Scrapbook] at the top. An amazing mindblowing torrent, a Joycean Gaddisian Rushian Steinian Wallacian but ultimately only Daranian splendor. The book is a vortex of voices leading to the roaring silence of the burst eardrum of your mental ear.”

Yonina Hoffman (@yonina)

“To have authority and gain respect, future novels may need to simulate those books we have to heft and weigh, texts such as anthologies, manuals and encyclopedias. Or maybe not books at all but other performances such as magic acts and circuses, or even repositories of medieval manuscripts and oral histories, archives and museums. At the end of The Recognitions a composer finally plays his own music in a cathedral, hits a very difficult note, and brings the cathedral down on his head. Dara has taken a similar risk with his Beethoven-influenced novel of variations. Readers who wish to see books preserved will want to have this one…”

Tom LeClair, on The Lost Scrapbook


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